


I graduated in 2011 from the AAA School of Advertising with a BA Degree in Creative Brand Communication. I began a design studio with a colleague of mine called Absolutezero Design and Advertising (www.absolute-zero.co.za). Through that I have been able to gain experience in dealing with clients, having to be my own boss, relying on my strengths and improving my weaknesses. In the past two years I have learned a lot about myself and my own abilities and have been able to mature as an Art Director and the way in which I view advertising. Now, however, I am entering into a new chapter of my life and would like to have the chance to work in an agency, meet new people and face bigger challenges.

Contact Email: amy@absolute-zero.co.za / amystroebel@gmail.com

Nine West

Nine West

Headline: Survival of the fittest.

Medium: Tabloid.

Credits: 2011 Loerie Finalist.


R1 R3R2

Tag: The Experts in Pest Control.

Headline: We know we’re up against a formidable force.

Body Copy: To destroy the enemy you have to understand it, and we do. With an infantry of two hundred elite technicians who specialise in bird detterent systems, we will liberate this land and it’s people from the infestation of unwanted pests. We don’t just win the battle, we win the war.

Medium: Tabloid.

Pick n Pay Argus Cycle Tour

Pick n Pay Argus Cycle Tour PP2 PP4PP3 PP5

Headline: Reason #324: Taking 10 seconds off your previous time.

Body Copy: For some it’s about pushing themselves to do better. What’s your reason? 110km, only 35 000 spots. Entries open 1st September 2011. 35th event takes place on the 11th March 2012.

Medium: Tabloid

Harley Davidson for Women

Harley's AngelsHA2HA3

Headline: Harley’s Angels

Copy: Hello angels and welcome to the headquarters. We are a group of women looking to make a difference. We travel around the country helping women who have done so much for their community and have become unsung heros to so many. Now you can join the journey! Unite to empower your fellow sister.

Medium: Digital(Microsite)

KGB Anti-hangover Capsules

KGB Anti-hangover Capsules

KGB Anti-hangover Capsules

Game app, Radio competition and ambient KGB4.1-Landing-Page Microsite

Double page spreads and billboards.

Headline: Say kaput to hangovers.
Body Copy: KGB anti-hangover capsules allows you to live your social and work life without interruptions.
Medium: Double page spread
Description: The DPS illustrates infographics that read from left to right. In these, features a man entitled ‘Mr.Red’ from his work to party life. Each DPS has a different story in which he indulges in his party life and is unable to work the following day.